Future Church Conference 2025 Kingdom Bound

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“We are in a new dark age…  (there is a) stunning gap in theological awareness throughout our nation …and even in the seat next to us at church.”

- The State of Theology (Lifeway & Ligonier)


“The situation is urgent…In just a generation, the children of the dechurched will be unchurched, changing the nature of spirituality in America significantly.”

- “The Great De-churching” by Jim Davis and Michael Graham


The U.S. is undergoing the largest and fastest religious shift in history, with millions exodusing the church, including our children often leaving the faith when they leave home.

What it means to be a Christian is being informed, reshaped, and even forgotten, before our very eyes! What will the church of tomorrow be and believe? How will we get there? Will anyone be going to church in ten years?

Featuring many of today’s leading pastors, theologians and authors, FutureChurch is for those willing to explore and be inspired by what a renewed church may look like.

…the need of our times is nothing less than the re-Christianization of our churches, according to the gospel alone, in both doctrine and culture, by Christ himself.
— Ray Ortlund, FCC 2025 Keynote speaker

Today there is a long and daunting list we are bombarded with: Media, gender, politics, race, science/tech and the arts have been confronting us with challenges we’re hardly prepared for. In the church and the mainstream there is an increasing sense of spiritual dysphoria that is felt deeply, and nationally.


Come explore how our churches can have a genuine Gospel culture and what a renewed church may look like:

  • In what ways can the church thrive in today’s culture? What are the tremendous opportunities and hope set before us?

  • Why is God not real or vivid to us?

  • How are we responding to pressures coming at us from every direction, in and outside the church?

  • Discipleship, and Biblical literacy: How is the church equipping future generations to know and articulate truth?

 Guest Speakers

More SPeakers to be announced


Conference Details

May 2-4, 2025

FutureChurch 2025 is a churchwide conference presented by The Theology Project, an outreach of Kingdom Bound Ministries, and hosted by The Chapel, 500 Crosspoint Pkwy, Getzville, NY. Featuring leading pastors, scholars and thinkers in keynotes, talks, and panels with Q&A’s.

Come to The Chapel at Crosspoint for breakouts and keynotes, then worship and study God’s Word with thousands of believers as participating churches across the region join together at The Chapel and their own locations for our streaming live services for the Sunday morning final Keynote by Ray Ortlund.

More churches being added regularly. (Contact us for details or if you’d like to add your church).